A downloadable game for Windows, macOS, and Linux


Do you like dungeons?

...are you perhaps into dudes?.. 


The Ancient Temple update is out now! This is a major update that adds many new things to the game. The key point of the update is the new Ancient Temple dungeon, found in the desert. There is also a massive expansion to the market, the ability to teleport your camera around for easier navigation, a quarry for mining metal, balancing changes to the earlier dungeons, music and sound effects, carpentry, a main menu, blacksmithing, a tutorial book, the grave, saving and loading, along with many many many minor changes.

Dungeon Dudes is a game about chance. You take a character, gear him up with stuff to increase his survival chance, then send him off. If you got your chances right, and you geared that boy up with enough stuff, he'll return with some new gear for his friends. 

There are multiple dungeons to explore at the moment. The Abandoned Dungeon is the starting one, then when you're strong enough you move on to THE Dungeon. In that dungeon you might find a special key that unlocks the gates of hell, and allows you to explore the Hell Dungeon. Then there's the ancient temple, which is nowhere near finished, but might still be functional idk

If the dungeons aren't your thing, there's still plenty to do outside that. Plant yourself some apple trees and sell apples for a living, write books to train your characters on specific fields of work, content is very easy to add to this game by design, so there's never a shortage of something to do :)

There is a tutorial book in the game that tells you how to play and stuff, so I'm not going to bother to explain it here. 

The game uses this sprite sheet along with a few other assets that I've made myself, or by tweaking the sprites in the sheet.

The menu screen and the banner on this page were generated by Dreamstudio AI. Its a bit controversial to be using AI art, but this game isn't really serious enough for me to really sit down and draw something good. Its just a hobby :)

Hopefully this isn't ditched like all my other projects. If it gets enough attention it wont be haha



Ancient Temple Update 187 MB
Dungeon Dudes Remastered (OLD) 18 MB

Development log

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